Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What she wants to know round-up

There are alot of young Christian men and women out there, who find it very difficult to date or even stay in a committed relationship. There are many reasons for this, one problem could be the fact that YOU are being too picky. You're searching for that perfect someone, maybe your expectations are too high? You keep saying that there are no Christian men out there, but perhaps you're wrong. Or maybe there is just a lack of communication between men and women.
As young people, we go through many changes and we have a lot of questions. For example, some of us would like to know how intimate can we get with the opposite sex before marriage?
Christian men and women need to be able to understand each other before they take a big step, like being in a committed relationship. They each want different things, and think in different ways. There are a lot of things that women want to know in regards to how men feel about certain matters. So, why keep silent and make the lines of communication more difficult for yourself? Men you'd be suprised at some of the things women need to know, and women you'd be suprised at thier answers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess I can start this off. I am currently taking a health class and one area of which we have been focusing on is virginity. It mentions two types of virginity...primary and secondary. I wanted to know if a true Christian male would "go out" or "court" a female based on their virginity. Be Blessed!