Friday, March 28, 2008

Does size matter?

Recently I was asked by a group of young women if Christian men have a preference in the size of the women that they date. Do they prefer thin women over overweight women? Does it even matter to them at all?

With good men already being hard to find, good Christian men are more hard to find. So, women need to know if they have to worry about their size with Christian men just as much as they would if they were looking for someone who wasn't.

I know my boyfriend prefers women that are thin but curvy. He's just not attracted to women that are overweight. That's just his thing. Just like me not being attracted to men with light skin and light eyes is my thing. And you can't shoot a man for not being attracted to you, because ALL MEN have their preferences. Just because your saved does not make you an automatic "shoe in" for his heart. But, that's another topic all together that we will discuss in the future.

But, seriously, what do Christian men prefer. You go to church, and you see so many saved men with so many different sized women that you can't really tell what most young Christian men prefer. So, stay tuned for a few young men to tell you the truth.

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